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Climate Science and Resources

Below I have included some resources that I have been using to educate myself on ecology and ecological crisis. In the words of the great Carl Sagan, "the first step is the understand." educating yourself on these issues is the absolute best path toward a more sustainable future. This is just a very small and easy start so please feel free to shoot me an email to add sources to this list. 



Crash Course Ecology and Environmental Science 


Works by scientist Dr. Carl Sagan on human impact on Earth


Carl Sagan with Ted Turner CNN 1989


Vice Environment Series

Ali Mitchell lives and works in Salt Lake City, UT
Contact @           

All images are owned and under copyright by Alison Mitchell. 


Web Design Copyright @2021 Alison Mitchell


Media Queries for Desktop (1200px) and Mobile (300px) more screen sizes coming soon. 

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